

Sharing the blogs we love

This very flattering award was given to me by the admirable author of A femme d'un Certain Age, Letitia Jett who, you all know if you have ever visited our tandem "Monday column" Transatlantic Parallel, is très très amusing, so interesting and an incredibly creative writer. I am very touched to have gotten this award from such a fabulous blogging friend and to be in such brilliant company. Merci mille fois Letitia.

Of course with this award comes a privilege, an honor and a duty: sharing with you 10 details concerning me. Not easy but let's dive in, we will know if we can swim later.

1) I have a twin sister. She is the tall one (1 whole inch) she is the smart one (a doctor!) she is the brave one (a doctor!!!) and she can give me the best advice when I have decorator's block- usually for myself. We talk everyday WHERE EVER we are; I will never understand how anyone can be totally happy without a twin.

2) I love the sun and the sea. They were mixed into the milk in my bottle when I was a baby.

3) I have 4 children: all smart, creative, funny, beautiful; on 3 different continents. Try keeping up.

4) On a desert island I would stay relatively sane if I had- in that order- : oysters, raspberries, every Beatles's song ever recorded and every Cote Sud ever published and Skype. Well, that's not quite a desert island, but...

5) I will travel anywhere, anytime; East, West, South, but not the Antarctica kind of South and no farther North than the bottom 10th of Canada. It's the cold.

6) I thank the inventors of electricity, the phone, the internet, and the airplane everyday.

7) I am a neat freak of sorts and drive everyone crazy.

8) I miss France.

9) I was a summer student Air France airline attendant. For 2 summers.

10) I don't have enough hours in a day.

It is now my turn to share with you 15 blogs I love to visit everyday. They make me happy, they amuse me, they teach me something new, they make me think, or smile or open my eye big and wide in utter amazement; pay them a visit; You will be très contents you did, I know it.

Please share with us 10 little details about you, don't forget to mention who gave you the award and pass it along to 15 blogs you love. 
bonne lecture
au revoir.


  1. Congratulations on your well-deserved award - Tish certainly chooses the most wonderful blogs. Enjoyed your list, how do you keep up with 4 children on 3 continents? I've often wondered what it would be like to have a twin - I see now you have a very best friend forever!
    Enjoy your week!

  2. Jeanne-Aelia how very kind of you, thank you so very much for the very kind mention. I am so happy to learn so many interesting things about you...a twin, 4 children, etc...you are blessed!

    a bientot/ et milles bisous!


  3. PS, CONGRATULATIONS on your award!!! very well deserved!


  4. OMG!!I am all that??
    You forgot to mention that you are the creative one (you have decorated every place I have ever lived in and I rarely buy a piece of clothing or unpholster a chair without checking with you first), you are the energetic one (four fabulous, beautiful, talented children, a fantastic husband, a great job, an impeccable house et..) you are the talented one (you draw anything divinely in two seconds, create cushions out of thin air and move one crucial piece of furniture and sudddenly the room looks totally fabulous)and of course you are the generous, sociable and tireless one.
    And did I mention you are the most loyal, giving friend anyone could dream of having.
    And, all right, I NEVER leave the house without looking at your blog, no matter how early, because you never tell me what it's going to be about and I can't stand to have to wonder all day.

  5. Bonjour Romance: merci pour les gentils mots. Yes, I love having a twin, THAT twin! a bientot.
    Kit: merci. I am do glad I found your blog; so nice to read it everyday. you are such a loyal supporter. I can't thank you enough.
    Joelle: we belong to a mutual admiration society...

  6. Dear Jeanne-Aelia, a great big merci beaucoup for passing this lovely award along to me. I am honored and flattered to be in such company.

    I really enjoy the Transatlantic posts between you and Tish. I have learned so much from each of you. If I could come back in another life, I would adore to be French.

    It's nice to know about your twin sister and your children. I've always wondered what it was like to have a twin - now I know. It's fabulous.

    Again, many thanks and I will pass it along with pleasure.
    A bientot,

  7. Dear, dear Jeanne-Aelia,

    This was wonderful. You are, as I knew -- but not enough of course -- absolutely fascinating (and fabulous).

    The tributes back-and-forth between you and Joelle made your secret sharing even more wonderful for all of us out here. Your choices, no surprise, for the award are impeccable.

    We need to conspire for our next installment.

    Thank you for the incredible things you said here and particularly chez moi. So touched, you are too kind.

    Je t'embrasse,

  8. Congratulations and thanks for mentioning me as one of your favourtes! x Mia

  9. MES CHERES AMIES DE BLOGLAND( excuse my Franglais): merci a vous! you are great writers and your posts always delight me. It's so nice to have this medium mostly because authors like you are using it to share such marvelous ideas and images. A bientot j'espere!

  10. adore what your sister wrote + there's definitely not enough hours in the day -- congratulations, and thank you :)

  11. Thank you This is Glamorous( what a great name!) yes, Joelle is the best! and yes, so little time so much to do. a bientot.

  12. Congratulations, your blog is really beautiful! And thank you so much for the award, I'm honoured! :)

  13. BRAVO to you Richard. I am so happy I found your blog. fun, edgy, so well done. Merci.

  14. Wow... I am a little late, but that you very much!! I am honored.

  15. Anonymous4/4/10

    Win a signed french shoe illustration that was originally published in Mirabella Magazine at ...
    No strings attached, just promoting my blog. Thanks,
